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Writer's pictureLexi Briley

Tensions between the U.S. and Russia

Greetings from Fireside Grace Ministries!

We'd like to share some of the prophetic words that have been fulfilled. We would like to preface that while the following prophecies have been fulfilled, this is not always a good thing. God speaks through Robyn and Brandi so that we can intercede and change things before they occur. They encourage every single reader to continually pray over the prophecies stated so that we can make a difference in the world. In sharing these fulfillments, Robyn and Brandi's intentions are to remind everyone that there is great power in corporate prayer and to never lose sight that God will do what He says He will do.

In a video titled, “The Miracle in Maricopa” posted on May 20, 2021, Robyn prophesied the following…. “I feel like the lord is going to release a mighty yield and a mighty harvest in our country in the eastern states and in the southern states. There's been a lot of severe weather and the Lord is going to take and flip that, and we're actually going to have a good harvest.”

The United States Department of Agriculture posted an article on January 12, 2022 saying, “Increased acreage and higher yields for corn and soybeans led to record high soybean production and near-record high corn production, according to the 2021 Crop Production Annual Summary released today by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS).”

“Soybean production for 2021 totaled a record-high 4.44 billion bushels, up 5% from 2020. With record high yields in 21 states, the average soybean yield is estimated at 51.4 bushels per acre, 0.4 bushel above 2020 and the second highest on record.”

“For 2021, all cotton production is up 21% from 2020, at 17.6 million 480-pound bales. The U.S. yield is estimated at 849 pounds per acre, up 2 pounds from last year’s yield. Harvested area, at 9.97 million acres, is up 20% from last year.”

Thank You, God, for the great harvest we had! We ask You continue to bless our harvest and that we have another year of abundance in crops, in Jesus’ name.

In the same video, Robyn prophesied, “You're going to see China and Russia starting to flex up on us, trying to push our borders.”

July 8, 2022, NewsWeek reported, “Vyacheslav Volodin, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin and chairman of the State Duma, the lower house of the country's legislature, issued a stark warning Wednesday that Russia has something to reclaim from the U.S.: the state of Alaska.”

"When they [U.S. lawmakers] attempt to appropriate our assets abroad, they should be aware that we also have something to claim back," Volodin said during a meeting with Russian officials on Wednesday, according to the Associated Press.”

“Tensions between the U.S. and Russia have been mounting for months amid the ongoing war in Ukraine and the unprecedented sanctions that Western countries imposed in response to Putin's invasion. Russia has gone so far as to threaten a direct conflict with the U.S. and NATO, stoking fears that the war could spread beyond Ukraine's borders. Volodin's comments suggest that he could support Russia targeting Alaska in retaliation for freezing Russian assets, a move that could start a feared military confrontation between Russia and the U.S.”

We come against any attack or threat upon Your people, in Jesus’ name. We pray for tensions to cease and Alaska to be protected. We pray for Russia to stand down and this war to end, in the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

In the same video, Robyn continued, “China, you're going to see ships starting to move, I saw ships moving into the southeast Pacific. Where they were almost strategically positioning for war.”

June 24, 2022, USNI News reported, “An uptick in Russian and Chinese warship movements near Japan are a part of an ongoing military demonstration toward Tokyo, Japan’s Defense Minister Nobou Kishi said this week.”

“The People’s Liberation Army Navy and the Russian Pacific fleet have, since mid-June, sent two separate surface action groups around the Japanese home islands.”

“The fact that about 10 Russian and Chinese ships sail around Japan on the same route in a short period of time is a display of the military presence of both countries around Japan,” Kishi said.”

“Seven Russian warships sailed near Hokkaido toward the Izu Islands on June 15th. Five of the ships sailed in the waters between Okinawa and Miyakojima toward the East China Sea on June 21st. The group sailed through the Tsushima Strait toward the Sea of Japan, almost making a circle of the Japanese archipelago, he said.”

“On June 12th, four Chinese ships sailed through the Tsushima Strait toward the Sea of Japan, two of which sailed through the Tsugaru Strait and the other two through La Pérouse Strait to the Pacific Ocean. Three of these ships have been operating near the Izu Islands, similar to the movement of the Russian ships, and were moving around the Japanese archipelago.”

Lord, we pray against any war or any threats of war. We pray for the protection of Japan and anyone else they may be after. Be with and protect Your people, God, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Thank you for reading! We'd love to pray for you!

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Corn and soybean production up in 2021, USDA Reports Corn and soybean stocks up from year earlier, Winter Wheat Seedings up for 2022. (2022, January 12). United States Department of Agriculture.

Mahadzir, D. (2022, June 24). Chinese, Russian Warships Continue to Circle Japan, Defense Minister Says. USNI News. nister-says

Strozewski, Z. (2022, July 8). Putin Ally Warns U.S. Russia Could Start Military Fight Over Alaska. Newsweek.

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