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What are people saying about Fireside Grace? 

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"I met you last year at the Lord's Community Church and you spoke a mighty message. How you help people in the hospital and pray for them. Which inspired me to follow my dreams in the medical field. I am currently getting ready to take my state exam for my CNA and HHA. But that isn't all. You sensed that someone in the church had MS which was me, aside from the holy spirit laying me out. You touched me by reminding me no matter what God has got me and he is far bigger then anything I could go through I AM NOT ALONE. With that said sense we met I have come off ALL my medications, I live knowing God has healed me, and I am chasing my dreams in the medical field so I to can do God's work even if it just helping make someone feel better. Thank you for being my inspiration and God Bless"

 "I am not sure where to start when it comes to an amazing woman like Brandi. I will not go into too many details but I have had some life and medical challenges for some years. It hit its peak in 2011. That is when Brandi became a major player in my life and my eventual recovery. I prayed and asked God to heal me. Brandi and her pastor prayed with me as well. At first I was praying but not believing. When I spoke to Brandi she told me that if I prayed to God and truly believed, then I would be healed. On Monday April 18, 2011 I was given deliverance by the Lord. I prayed, and had people pray with me. It was like a miracle happened. All of my challenges went away. I am happy to say that it has been six years since my deliverance, and I still have not had a single health challenge. I give all credit to God. I give credit to Brandi for making me believe again. I pray each night because of her and go to church every Sunday. Brandi has revolutionized and rejuvenated my life! She changed my life for the better and I am thankful every day to have someone like her in my life"

"Fireside Grace is blessed to have the kindest, most generous, and anointed couple leading the church. It was a pleasure to serve Robyn and Brandi Cunningham on one of their stops during their travels. Their prayers lifted me and reminded me that God loves me..Thank you so much. Many blessings to both of you and your bundle of joy, Asher Samuel."

-Linda Mitchell

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