Greetings from Fireside Grace Ministries!
We'd like to share some of the prophetic words that have been fulfilled. We would like to preface that while the following prophecies have been fulfilled, this is not always a good thing. God speaks through Robyn and Brandi so that we can intercede and change things before they occur. They encourage every single reader to continually pray over the prophecies stated so that we can make a difference in the world. In sharing these fulfillments, Robyn and Brandi's intentions are to remind everyone that there is great power in corporate prayer and to never lose sight that God will do what He says He will do.

In a video titled, “Their Shame Will Be Exposed,” posted on April 22, 2022, Robyn prophesied, “There will be relief and favor for those in the military who choose not to get the vaccine. Their dismissals (for those who have been dismissed or discharged), will no longer show on their records and they will receive full benefits for the years that they served and acknowledgment of an honorable discharge with the option to rejoin if they see fit or desire.”
April 27, 2022, Military Times stated in an article, “Of 3,400 troops who’ve been involuntarily separated from service for refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine, about 70 percent have received general discharges, service personnel chiefs said Wednesday. That characterization secures their veterans benefits and, in many cases, allows them to rejoin the military if they decide to get vaccinated.”
“The remaining discharges have been honorable, officials told lawmakers during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, though they did not provide details explaining the reasoning behind choosing one characterization or the other.”
Thank you, Lord, for honoring these troops! We are so thankful that they are all still honored as veterans. Guide them and help them through this difficult season, in Jesus’ name.
In the same video, Robyn prophesied, “Hold tight in New York. Changes are about to come to leadership in the state. Your senators and governors will know who the Lord is and justice will be served.”
November 9, 2022, Politico stated in an article, “The GOP’s hoped-for red wave looked a lot more like a national ripple in the wake of Election Day — except for deep blue New York, where Republicans picked up three House seats — including defeating the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.”
We thank you, God. This is just the beginning! We pray that every evil and corrupt thing will be exposed and brought to light. Have your way in New York and save the state. We pray that those who have committed corrupt acts will repent and turn to you, in Jesus’ name.
In a video posted on March 8, 2021, Robyn prophesied, “Watch as a mighty wind will blow through DC, uprooting trees that stood for decades. That’s in the natural, but He’s also talking about leadership.”
July 12, 2022, Washington Post stated in an article, “The D.C. region cleaned up Wednesday after a heavy storm swept through the area, bringing strong winds, rain, and at times hail to parts of the area. The storm toppled trees and wires and caused power outages affecting thousands of people.”
“Several houses in the neighborhood were damaged. Trees were ripped out from their roots, crushing cars and blocking streets. A house where U-Md. students were living partially collapsed. A man was seriously injured when a tree fell onto a house on Lakeland Road, according to Michael Yourishin, a spokesman for the Prince George’s County Fire Department.”
Lord, we thank you for this sign and we ask that it will come to pass. We pray that all corruption and lies going on in the leadership of our country will be exposed and dealt with. We pray for justice. Have your way in this country, Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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Myers, M. (2022, April 27). The vast majority of troops kicked out for COVID vaccine refusal received general discharges. Military Times. kicked-out-for-covid-vaccine-refusal-received-general-discharges/
Republicans pick up 3 New York House seats with Long Island sweep and defeat of DCCC chair. (2022, November 9). POLITICO. 0065919
Gupta, G., Weil, M., & Hedgpeth, D. (2022, July 14). D.C. region cleans up after heavy storm. Washington Post.