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Writer's pictureLexi Briley

Canada and COVID - When Will the Restrictions End?

Greetings from Fireside Grace Ministries!

We'd like to share some of the prophetic words that have been fulfilled. We would like to preface that while the following prophecies have been fulfilled, this is not always a good thing. God speaks through Robyn and Brandi so that we can intercede and change things before they occur. They encourage every single reader to continually pray over the prophecies stated so that we can make a difference in the world. In sharing these fulfillments, Robyn and Brandi's intentions are to remind everyone that there is great power in corporate prayer and to never lose sight that God will do what He says He will do.


In a video titled, “Crypto-Currency Prophecy,” posted on July 19, 2021, Robyn prophesied, “Canada is going to push the mandatory vax on people and even try to put those who won’t comply into “special areas,” where they will be “safe” from the general population.”

FEE Stories reported on January 19, 2022, “Quebec, for instance, imposed a curfew from 10pm to 5am that began on December 31. This is the second time the province has imposed a curfew, the first being from January 9 to May 28, 2021. Quebec also recently announced they would be imposing a “significant” tax on those who choose not to get vaccinated, citing healthcare costs.”

Travel GC CA posted on June 14 2022, “Travelers arriving in Canada who do not have a suitable place to quarantine or isolate may be referred to a designated quarantine facility, upon the direction of a quarantine officer.”

Lord, we come against these restrictions, in Jesus’ name. We pray for freedom for the people of Canada and that You will put Godly leaders in place to do Your works in that country. We pray you protect and supply for the unvaccinated people from these attacks, in Jesus’ name.

In a video titled, “Criminal Charges and Vindication prophecy,” posted on June 28, 2021, Robyn prophesied, “While I was praying, I felt a very strong buzz in the spiritual realm and I had a strong sense that things are going to move very quickly concerning 11/3. The media is going to try to make it look like, “⅙, ⅙, we found something new on ⅙,” but it's all “malarkey and shenanigans,” to quote 46 (Joe Biden). It's not going to come to anything. They're going to start distracting. We need to pray against this and stop this, but they’re going to try to set up more, what seems like, “random shootings,” or “random terrorist attacks” in the country, so we need to pray against that. It's despicable to me that it could even be a plausible conspiracy theory, I'm not saying it is, but that it could even be a plausible conspiracy theory that the government would be involved in doing things to intentionally hurt and control the people.”

NBC Philadelphia reported on August 4, 2022, “Every week, there are more tragedies. Over 200 days into 2022, there has been an average of 13 mass shootings a week”

God, we collectively pray against these evil acts and shootings. We pray you protect Your people and help all who have been affected by these shootings. We pray for the number of shootings to go down and that You handpick the right leaders to be put in place to lead our country. Let any evil doings and corruptions be brought to the light, in Jesus’ name.

In the same video posted on June 28, 2021, Robyn prophesied, “The delta strain will be the beginning of the next cry to “re-mask” the nation. In an attempt to shut down everything a second time and take control back over this country. Why? So they can try to push bills though with things hidden in them. So watch, they're trying to push resolutions, trying to push bills, and all this other stuff. They're going to try to hide things in them to benefit themselves.”

NBC News reported on July 21, 2021, “From Los Angeles to Massachusetts, local officials across the country are pleading with Americans to once again wear masks inside as the delta variant rips through the U.S.”

“Several counties across California and Nevada are now advising all residents to wear masks in public indoor settings — whether they are vaccinated or not. Local leaders in at least three more states have reinstated mask mandates, issued facial covering recommendations or threatened the return of strict public health limits for all residents — in defiance of federal health guidelines that say vaccinated people don’t have to follow those protocols in most settings.”

God, we pray for this country to be completely free of masks and no hidden agendas will be passed. Let all that is being hidden, be exposed now, in Jesus' name, amen.

Thank you for reading! We'd love to pray for you!

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Carroll, P. (2022, January 19). Jordan Peterson Calls Out Justin Trudeau as Canada Considers Mandatory Vaccination. Foundation for Economic Education. vaccination/

COVID-19 Designated Quarantine Facilities: Staying at the facility – (2022, June 14). Travel. GC. CA.

O’Kruk, A. (2022, August 5). Most Days in the US This Year, There Has Been a Mass Shooting. These Graphics Reveal a Lot About Them. NBC10 Philadelphia. f-mass-shootings-in-the-us-in-2022/3326699/

Towey, R. (2021, July 22). Local officials across U.S. are starting to reimpose Covid mask rules as delta variant takes hold. CNBC. rules-as-delta-variant-takes-hold.html

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Greetings from Fireside Grace Ministries! We'd like to share some of the prophetic words that have been fulfilled. We would like to...


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