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Writer's pictureLexi Briley

A Wave of Information on 46

Greetings from Fireside Grace Ministries!

We'd like to share some of the prophetic words that have been fulfilled. We would like to preface that while the following prophecies have been fulfilled, this is not always a good thing. God speaks through Robyn and Brandi so that we can intercede and change things before they occur. They encourage every single reader to continually pray over the prophecies stated so that we can make a difference in the world. In sharing these fulfillments, Robyn and Brandi's intentions are to remind everyone that there is great power in corporate prayer and to never lose sight that God will do what He says He will do.

In a video titled, “China Blackmails with Gas,” posted on June 30, 2022, Robyn prophesied, “We will soon see the floodgates come flying open. It will seem as though change, evidence, and unexpected documentation will appear leading to one big moment. Because men have decided to wait on the Lord’s timing to address the incident that took place two years ago, they will now be blessed when they decide to make their next move. It may seem as though certain key figures in this process of fixing America's 2020 vision that was once obscured will now have that veil removed and justice can now move forward.”

January 10, 2023, CBS News stated in an article, “Attorney General Merrick Garland has assigned the U.S. attorney in Chicago to review documents marked classified that were found at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington, two sources with knowledge of the inquiry told CBS News. The roughly 10 documents are from President Biden's vice-presidential office at the center, the sources said. CBS News has learned the FBI is also involved in the U.S. attorney's inquiry.”

God, we thank you for this discovery of information! We pray that all corruption and things kept in the dark will be exposed and dealt with. Give each person working on this investigation wisdom and guidance. We pray for Joe Biden and his salvation, that he will repent and give himself to you, in Jesus’ name.

In a video titled, “Time to Clean out the White House,” posted on August 29, 2022, Robyn prophesied, “The Democratic Party will pull the rug out from under Joe Biden’s feet. All support offered in the past will suddenly seem to vanish. However, they will still bolster their claims of everything being safe and clean, if you know what I mean. However, by removing the ruff from under Joe’s feet, they will expose their own lies and dirt as all that was swept under the rug is exposed. I saw fall leaves, fall colors coming, and I saw a whole inch of mud. The Lord showed me it was like a rainy season and everything got so covered in mud that they had to call in professionals to clean this mud up. These professionals were coming in and cleaning up and they were trying to restore the White House because the mud had actually caused damage.”

In the same article by CBS News, it stated, “The material was identified by personal attorneys for Mr. Biden on Nov. 2, just before the midterm elections, Richard Sauber, special counsel to the president confirmed. The documents were discovered when Mr. Biden's personal attorneys "were packing files housed in a locked closet to prepare to vacate office space at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C.," Sauber said in a statement to CBS News. The documents were contained in a folder that was in a box with other unclassified papers, the sources said. The sources revealed neither what the documents contain nor their level of classification. A source familiar with the matter told CBS News the documents did not contain nuclear secrets.”

January 11, 2023, Fox News stated in an article, “Aides to President Joe Biden have discovered at least one additional batch of classified documents in a location separate from the Washington office he used after leaving the Obama administration, according to a person familiar with the matter.”

“Since November, after the discovery of documents with classified markings in his former office, Biden aides have been searching for any additional classified materials that might be in other locations he used, said the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to provide details about the ongoing inquiry.”

We thank you, Lord, that all of this is being bright to light. We pray that you will continue to expose it all and more of Joe’s people will come forward. We pray that those who expose this information will be protected and anyone who is guilty will be held accountable, in Jesus’ name.

In a video titled, “The Golden Dome Falls,” posted on May 26, 2022, Robyn prophesied, “I saw a vision of a wave crashing into America from the sea. Over top of the wave were laptops, documents, and files. It was like filing cabinets, documents, files, phones, video tapes, recordings, and so on…. and the Lord said that a flood of evidence from various sources will slam the shores of America bringing forth great reform and exposure. All of these things that were floating on top of the sea or over the sea, the Lord revealed to me that it was going to be visibly shared for the public, but was merely the tip of what He is doing behind the scenes.”

January 14, 2023, CBS News stated in an article, “Fewer than 10 documents marked classified were found at the Biden residence in Wilmington, Del., and none were marked top secret.”

“In all, the source said, the total number of known documents marked classified is roughly 20, between the two locations.”

Again, God, we pray for this wave to bring even more exposure. We thank you that what we see now is just the tip of the iceberg. We trust you and we know that you will protect us. Have your way in our country and heal our land, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Thank you for reading! We'd love to pray for you!

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Diaz, A., Triay, A., & Farhi, A. (2023, January 10). U.S. attorney reviewing documents marked classified from Joe Biden’s vice presidency found at Biden think tank. CBS News.

Sabes, A., Spunt, D., & Gibson, J. (2023, January 12). Biden aides discover second batch of classified docs at another location. Fox News. cation

Diaz, A., Triay, A., & Farhi, A. (2023, January 14). Total number of Biden documents known to be marked classified is about 20, source says. CBS News.

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