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A Bold Face of Christianity

Writer's picture: Lexi BrileyLexi Briley

Greetings from Fireside Grace Ministries!

We'd like to share some of the prophetic words that have been fulfilled. We would like to preface that while the following prophecies have been fulfilled, this is not always a good thing. God speaks through Robyn and Brandi so that we can intercede and change things before they occur. They encourage every single reader to continually pray over the prophecies stated so that we can make a difference in the world. In sharing these fulfillments, Robyn and Brandi's intentions are to remind everyone that there is great power in corporate prayer and to never lose sight that God will do what He says He will do.

In a video posted August 14, 2020, Robyn prophesied, “You'll see churches that have been established for 30-40 years that are losing 70 percent or more because people are seeing the move of God isn't happening in the walls of the church.”

May 23, 2022, True Discernment posted an article, stating, “Willow Creek Community Church, once a multi-campus 25,000 member church founded by Bill Hybels that pioneered the church growth and seeker-sensitive movement – the demonic practice of gearing everything about a church service to be as comfortable and friendly to non-believing “seekers” as possible, is crashing and burning.”

“The church announced that they were cutting their staff budget by $6.5 million dollars and axing 30% of the employees, the result of losing over 10,000 congregants in the last 3 years.”

“It’s not the first time they cut staff- they did so in 2019 and 2020, in order to cope with the sheep bleeding away from their crummy church. We’re all for this massive cut, and would like nothing better for the whole church shut down. You’ll recall in 2007, a major study was released that was commissioned by the church itself, finding the church was failing catastrophically at producing deep, mature followers of Christ.”

God, we pray that as these churches that will not teach the whole counsel of God, fall by the wayside, that You’d raise up a courageous church that preaches the word and moves in the power of the Holy Spirit in its place, in Jesus’ name.

In the same video, Robyn prophesied, “I know I've said this before and I know it sounds crazy, but a couple weeks ago, God told me in a few weeks there would be a cure for covid that would be released in America. There's one that comes from China- don't take that, and don’t take the one from Russia, because they're actually rushed. Because they do know that America is just about to patent the corona vaccine, which has been going through stage 3 trials for a long time.”

New York Times reported on June 6, 2021, “China kicked off its vaccine diplomacy campaign last year by pledging to provide a shot that would be safe and effective at preventing severe cases of Covid-19. Less certain at the time was how successful it and other vaccines would be at curbing transmission. Now, examples from several countries suggest that the Chinese vaccines may not be very effective at preventing the spread of the virus, particularly the new variants. The experiences of those countries lay bare a harsh reality facing a post pandemic world: The degree of recovery may depend on which vaccines governments give to their people.”

“In the Seychelles, Chile, Bahrain and Mongolia, 50 to 68 percent of the populations have been fully inoculated, outpacing the United States, according to Our World in Data, a data tracking project. All four ranked among the top 10 countries with the worst Covid outbreaks as recently as last week, according to data from The New York Times. And all four are mostly using shots made by two Chinese vaccine makers, Sinopharm and Sinovac Biotech.”

“If the vaccines are sufficiently good, we should not see this pattern,” said Jin Dongyan, a virologist at the University of Hong Kong. “The Chinese have a responsibility to remedy this.”

God, I pray you help us find a cure for Covid or eliminate it from the face of the earth all together. Keep Your people safe and healthy, in Jesus’ name.

In the same video, Robyn prophesied, “People are going into protests and riot zones and instead of running from danger, you're going to see a bold new face of christianity coming up. Facing persecution, not afraid of being arrested for disobeying the government for mandates that are against my religious belief.”

November 4, 2021, France 24 reported, “Several hundred demonstrators marched in Brazil Sunday to protest a ruling by the Supreme Court allowing authorities to bar in-person religious services under Covid-19 restrictions.”

“The "Christian Family Freedom March" came after the high court ruled Thursday in a 9-2 decision that regional officials have the right to suspend worship services, at a moment when the coronavirus is killing thousands of people a day in Brazil.”

“Carrying signs and banners with messages such as "Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord" and "Down with the Supreme Court," around 500 evangelical Christian and conservative Catholic protesters marched to the seat of Congress in Brasilia, where they held an outdoor prayer service.”

Lord, we pray that You will raise up more courageous christians who will not give into fear or intimidation. Rather, they would boldly take a stand for You and for Your truth, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Thank you for reading!

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Famous Seeker-Sensitive Megachurch Cuts Staff Budget by $6.5 Million, Laying off 30% of Staff. (2022, May 23). True Discernment. -by-6-5-million-laying-off-30-of-staff/

Wee, S. (2021, September 16). They Relied on Chinese Vaccines. Now They’re Battling Outbreaks. The New York Times.

24, F. (2021, April 11). Brazil evangelicals protest Covid curbs on church services. France 24. urch-services

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