Greetings from Fireside Grace Ministries!
We'd like to share some of the prophetic words that have been fulfilled. We would like to preface that while the following prophecies have been fulfilled, this is not always a good thing. God speaks through Robyn and Brandi so that we can intercede and change things before they occur. They encourage every single reader to continually pray over the prophecies stated so that we can make a difference in the world. In sharing these fulfillments, Robyn and Brandi's intentions are to remind everyone that there is great power in corporate prayer and to never lose sight that God will do what He says He will do.

In a video titled, “NATO Whistle Blower,” posted on July 31, 2022, Robyn prophesied, “You will see these things happening in the market and then come October, November, December, especially around the end of December, you’re going to see a great change in things. Things are going to look very different than they did in the beginning of the year. You’re going to see some pretty significant growth and then come next year you’re going to see really amazing exponential growth even more. You’re going to see the price of gas and oil start to go down drastically toward the end of the year.”
December 27, 2022, WDIV stated in an article, “Gas prices have continued to drop, with Michigan drivers now paying an average of $2.99 per gallon for regular unleaded gasoline.”
“That price is 66 cents less than this time last month and 11 cents less than this time last year. It costs an average of $44 for a full 15-gallon tank of gasoline. That’s down $7 from 2021′s highest price in November.”
Thank you, Lord! We pray that gas and oil prices will continue to drop. We ask that 2023 will be a year of great growth and change, in Jesus name.
In a video titled, “Signs Before the Fall,” posted on July 19, 2022, Robyn prophesied, “We will also see in the news landslides happening. I saw one landslide in particular where there was a white house on top of a chunk of land that slid out and the white house crashed down, toppled, and broke apart. Now the white house was unoccupied. There was nobody in it and I don't believe there was a family living in it, but I could be wrong. But there was nobody in it, no one got hurt, but the landslide did happen. So watch the news because that's going to be a sign to you that the White House…which the Lord does not recognize as the official White House and the people who are in it right now are not recognized by the Lord as the official government that's ruling. He’s going to deal with that. And you will see a “landslide” that will cause the White House to be turned over.”
In the youtube link below, on January 20, 2023, ABC7 News reported of a white house that was taken out by a landslide.
“Fortunately the family that lives there is safe. An inspector was at the home late Wednesday morning and told the home owner the house was unsafe.” The reporter went on to say, “by noon the next day, the house ripped in half and the bulk of it slid down the hill toward the ravine below.”
God, we thank you that no one was injured! We pray for the many families who have lost their homes in these landslides in California, that you will provide for them. We pray that these landslides will stop and everyone will remain safe. We thank you for what this represents! We pray that we will see an overturning of the White House, in Jesus name.
In a video titled, “Jared Kushner Targeted,” posted on September 5, 2022, Robyn prophesied, “Divine retribution is coming. You will begin to see God making moves where it seems like almost out of nowhere people are being investigated and arrested. And this is talking about police, judges, social workers… you're going to see a lot of things coming up where cases in the social work field are being exposed for human trafficking. The Lord is not going to sit by and idly hear this.”
September 10, 2022, NY Post stated in an article, “A sex sting operation that resulted in the arrests of 160 people also busted Georgia Police Officer Jason DiPrima.”
“The Polk County Sheriff’s Office announced on Friday that their week-long sting, called “Operation Fall Haul II,” discovered at least two sex trafficking victims.”
“Sheriff Grady Judd said during a press conference that there could potentially be more victims.”
“Our goal is to start services the moment that they are taken into custody and to treat them as what they are, victims, not as suspects in a criminal event,” said Judd.”
“Operation Fall Haul II” also led to the arrest of two Disney employees, a state corrections officer, several teachers and ex-Officer DiPrima.”
Lord, we pray that everyone who is guilty of human trafficking will be caught now, in Jesus’ name. We pray for exposure. We ask that you heal the victims of any and all traumas they have endured. We pray for divine comfort and healing, in Jesus’ name, amen.
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Clarke, K. (2022, December 27). Average gas price in Michigan falls below $3 a gallon. WDIV. elow-3-a-gallon/
ABC7 News Bay Area. (2023, January 20). Landslide destroys California home after it slides down hillside. YouTube.
Breeden, A. (2022, September 11). Florida sex trafficking sting nabs 160 people including Georgia Deputy Police Chief Jason DiPrima. New York Post.