Here's a message to the body of Christ from the perspective of Jesus preaching a message to the church.
Two things are difficult to do as Christians: forgive and forget, and to not take action to defend yourself.

If my people would allow me to vindicate them it would bare far greater results and rewards. As it is, many Christians will begin to swing their sword in self-defense rather than simply disregarding the desire to defend themselves. "Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord." -Romans 12:19
Patience should be a highly sought after fruit that is practiced daily, even every hour, yet I see my people praying then trying to figure out how to do it on their own and saying "God, why didn’t you answer my prayer?” i respond, “I was waiting for you to see if you could answer it yourself. When you’re finished trying to do it on your own and truly trust me, then I can move on your behalf. You don’t recognize that your faith was more in your ability to provide than it was in me.”
With that Being said, Jesus asks, “If there were an intruder in your home you would do several things; run and hide, try to call 911 and ask for the authorities to intercede, or grab your weapon and defend your home.

When you detect that there is a demonic attack in your home, you should do all of the above. Run to the secret place with God, call for intercession from the Heavenly authorities, and begin using your spoken prayers as weapons to defend your home, your friends and family, and that which is yours. If you will respond to demons the same way you respond to criminals in your home, you will see great results because you stopped trying to do it all on your own.
Far too often I watch my people come to the edge of the sea that I Lead them too and quickly they begin to grumble. They say, “Lord, why did you bring me to this place? There’s no way out from here. My troubles, my burdens, my worries, my bills, my past are all going to overtake me!”
Why must my people constantly claim and hold onto things that are not mine and should not be considered theirs either? Your past sin doesn’t exist to me. "For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more." -Hebrews 8:12. Your troubles and worries were never yours to have anyway. "Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7.
Do You think that I would ever leave a bill unpaid? As though my Father is cheap and would let himself violate his word by going into debt? Don’t you realize that I’ve called you by my name? When you fail and struggle it causes others to blaspheme my name and say, “we’re is your God that allowed this to happen? "Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law." -Romans 13:8.
The silly thing is this, the devil and his demons are the ones that enticed you into disbelief. They told you if you spend less time with your family and more time at work I will repay you. They told you that God helps them who help themselves. I am not that God. That is not scriptural.
I will bless you when you love me and when you don’t. I will reward you for faithfulness. I will work all things for the good of those who love me and are called according to my purpose. I am no respecter of men.
If you would preach my word to the people, if you would pray for the sick, if you would live holy and set apart, I would bless you beyond any earthly measure and then more. I never ask a soldier to go to war on my behalf at their own expense. When I sent you, I already paid for your entire journey from now until the end. I have personally financed you to accomplish my will.

Disbelief is what prevents my blessing from coming to you. Through disbelief, the enemy of God can rob my children. Yet there is hope! When you begin to believe, I loose my ministering spirits to plunder the treasuries of hell and bring back not only what was yours, but excess as well.
I have already met all of your needs according to the riches in my glory. "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.' -Philippians 4:19. I now desire to bless you with the desires of your heart. 'Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." -Psalm 37:4. I only sow into fertile soil. You are richly blessed, beautiful, worthy, redeemed, righteous, Holy, set apart, anointed, consecrated, redeemed, and extremely fertile soil.
The seeds I have planted in you will come to fullness and produce much fruit as you surrender your everything to me now. Don’t wait until you have nothing to discover that I can do something with anything.