As I’m sitting here under the incandescent glow of string lights in our living room, the Lord took me on a quick vision that beyond profound. He showed me a small glimpse of what is to come for the future of the church.
The background is echoing out the words, yours is the name above all names, and suddenly Im taken to the future. I see preachers on the streets that are bold and empowered. Their heart was revealed to me as saying, “We were right! God’s doing exactly what He said He would.”
I had an instant understanding that things had changed in America. There’s was a shift in politics, a shift in restrictions from severe to almost none, and a boldness that burned like a fiery furnace that could be seen in the body of Christ.
In this moment of knowing, the Lord spoke, “Upon the fulfillment of all the prophets words, Fire, Glory, and Boldness which were sown into the churches hearts, will produce a great harvest.”
This movement of boldness was amazing and it swept across the land. No longer we’re people saying wait and see, but their narrative had switched to come and see!
Things are about to change. The heart of America will never be the same. The heart of the Church will never be the same.
Church, I appeal to you to be bold! Be brave even now. Don’t hold back the fire that the Lord has set in your heart. Let it burn bright. Take that fire out to the streets and allow it to radiate and consume all that it touches.
Change is coming and with it is coming a new level of boldness, signs, and wonders greater than what was seen in the first generation church. After all, Jesus said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” John 14:12 (KJV).
By stepping out in faith, you could be the catalyst which sets this nation ablaze with the all consuming, fiery, passionate love of God. You could be the smoldering ember that ignites the Lord’s glory days movement. Are you willing to take that step of faith and plunge headfirst into the things of God?
I feel the Holy Spirit releasing that fire now. If you desire to receive the Holy Spirit and be filled, then simply say, “Lord, I receive your Holy Spirit. Be my comforter. Surround me. Consume me. Captivate me. Immerse me in your breath of liquid fire. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Father, be glorified!”
Robyn Cunningham Fireside Grace Ministries